Saturday, April 4, 2009

Haven't You Had Enough Snow?

Yesterday Larry Snow's campaign literature arrived at Bongo's house. And Bongo's puppy pal from down the street said she got an automated phone call from the Snow camp.

A few days ago, Mike Skala's literature appeared on Bongo's door and a post card arrived in the mail.

Bongo took the time to read all of the literature from both candidates.

As Bongo read through Snow's literature, he saw allegations that Skala was running a smear campaign against Snow.

So Bongo put Snow's literature and Skala's literature side by side on the carpet. The Skala literature did not even mention Snow. It outlined the Skala accomplishments and spoke to the value Skala has brought to the board of education. It mentioned future goals, and the post card included endorsements from Senator Althoff and Representative Tryon. Impressive.

The Snow literature, on the other hand, attacked Skala and represented the very essence of a "smear" campaign. Snow took credit for everything good that has ever happened. Bongo half expected Snow to take credit for the invention of the retractable dog leash.

A comparison of the literature showed that Snow put out a piece of campaign literature which attempted to smear the reputation of his opponent. Skala put out a piece of literature and a post card that touted his accomplishments and didn't even mention his opponent.

Next, Bongo visited both candidates' web sites.

The Skala web site focused on accomplishments and future goals, it listed endorsements, candidate questionnaires, position statements and a section on ethics. Nowhere on the site did Skala take a swipe at the character of Larry Snow.

But the Snow web site was filled with character attacks against Skala and included many statements that are downright not true. Some of the statements that Snow made on his web site have been proven false, yet he wrote them anyway.

Bongo is reminded of the Daily Herald endorsement of Skala, where the editorial board members said,

"Critics ... would note [Snow's] mercurial and challenging personality and tendency to spin things to Mars..."


"To throw verbal grenades or allegations just to rile things up is hardly effective in any forum, much less a school board."

This last ditch effort by Snow to accuse Skala of the very behavior that Snow has engaged in for the last four years would be laughable, if it weren't so completely offensive.

Haven't you had enough "Snow?" The "Snow" can end on Tuesday if the voters make sure their voices are heard at the polls.

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