Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Pot (Snow) Calls the Kettle (Skala) Black in Daily Herald Meeting

I'll say one thing. The guy's got nerve.

Larry Snow actually walked into an endorsement interview at the Daily Herald and accused Mike Skala of voting on an issue for which he had a conflict of interest...seven years ago.

Evidently, Mike Skala voted in favor of a contract for roughly 200 teachers in 2002, which was three school board terms ago.

On the flip side, Larry Snow, during this last term, served as an advocate for his friends who had a $250,000 snow removal contract with the district. He attended a meeting between Moore Turf Care and the District 158 Administration, and Snow represented the interest of his friends David and Linda Moore and not the interests of the District and its taxpayers!

Here's the key difference between what Mike did and what Larry did.

In 2002, there was not one member of the community, not one member of the school board, or one member of the media who questioned Skala's decision to vote. There was no public outcry and certainly no newspaper headlines suggesting that Skala had a conflict.

In 2007-08, after Snow advocated for his friends, Snow was asked by President Green on several occasions and by Tony Quagliano on one occasion, to recuse himself from future discussions and votes regarding snow removal. Even the news media wrote about it and made it clear that Snow had crossed a line of impropriety. Yet even though he was asked by several people to recuse himself, Snow refused, and continued to advocate for the Moore's from his seat on the Board rail.

And when it was time to award the new snow removal contract? Snow again refused to recuse himself from the vote and voted NOT to give the new contract to the lowest bidder, Tovar Snow Removal.

Can you say HYPOCRITE? Can you say LIVING IN THE PAST?

The moral of the story is this: Larry Snow lives in a "do as I say, not as I do" world and is stuck in the past. After all, he had to go all the way back to 2002 to find ammunition for his Skala smear campaign.

NW Herald 7/20/07

Approved Meeting Minutes

NW Herald Editorial

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